Assyrian Christian Aid

They need a sense of security,  community and dignity again.

Afaf Konja

Our Need

There used to be a Christian community of 1.4 million people in 2003, before the persecution from ISIS.  Now the number has come down to only 275,000. (the link) We have so many needs for Iraqi Chrustans: Homes, schools and churches must be rebuilt.

We must take action in helping Chaldean Catholics, one of the oldest Christian communities in the world!

Afaf is a special advisor we have in Isiah 19. With her background as an Iraqi Christian, she has been advocating for persecuted Christian in the Middle East since ISIS's terrible attacks.  We will continue to help her and our brothers and sisters in Iraq.


Project Details

Project Details


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus in magna ac tellus fringilla eleifend. Mauris et velit risus. Phasellus nisi ipsum, fermentum eget consequat non, molestie at augue. Proin rutrum sem a rutrum ultricies. Nunc felis neque, dictum ut porta a, ullamcorper vel ante. Quisque non consequat ligula. Pellentesque porttitor eu nisi eu bibendum. In non faucibus justo, et viverra lectus. Fusce sodales mauris et velit accumsan vulputate.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus in magna ac tellus fringilla eleifend. Mauris et velit risus. Phasellus nisi ipsum, fermentum eget consequat non, molestie at augue. Proin rutrum sem a rutrum ultricies. Nunc felis neque, dictum ut porta a, ullamcorper vel ante. Quisque non consequat ligula. Pellentesque porttitor eu nisi eu bibendum. In non faucibus justo, et viverra lectus. Fusce sodales mauris et velit accumsan vulputate.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus in magna ac tellus fringilla eleifend. Mauris et velit risus. Phasellus nisi ipsum, fermentum eget consequat non, molestie at augue. Proin rutrum sem a rutrum ultricies. Nunc felis neque, dictum ut porta a, ullamcorper vel ante. Quisque non consequat ligula. Pellentesque porttitor eu nisi eu bibendum. In non faucibus justo, et viverra lectus. Fusce sodales mauris et velit accumsan vulputate.

Assyrian Christian Aid

Assyrian Christian Aid

Our Need

There used to be a Christian community of 1.4 million people in 2003, before the persecution from ISIS.  Now the number has come down to only 275,000. (the link) We have so many needs for Iraqi Chrustans: Homes, schools and churches must be rebuilt.

We must take action in helping Chaldean Catholics, one of the oldest Christian communities in the world!

Afaf is a special advisor we have in Isiah 19. With her background as an Iraqi Christian, she has been advocating for persecuted Christian in the Middle East since ISIS's terrible attacks.  We will continue to help her and our brothers and sisters in Iraq.

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